Explaining Complicated Things to Normal People
The divide between China and the West seems to grow wider by the day. But on both sides are human persons who all have similar hopes and desires.

Perhaps it is inevitable, because of human folly, that there will be war between China and the West.
The China Peace Initiative (CPI) was formed to play a unique role in the drama unfolding between these two great civilizations.
An effort to promote knowledge and clarity.
A hope for peace!
The China Peace Initiative (CPI) provides unbiased content that helps you understand what is happening between China and the West and make sense of the scary situation.



The China Peace Initiative (CPI) provides unbiased content that helps you understand what is happening between China and the West and make sense of the scary situation.


Straightforward. No political or partisan interference.
CPI information is meant to be clear, simple and quick to enjoy. Frequent social media posts ask questions and probe with information and statements. Newsletters pick up those topics in more depth but are still a fast read. Free online seminars provide explanations on topics of interest and allow for Q&A.
Discover the truth about China and its relationship with the West, and vice-versa.
You’ll always hear accurate information based on our PURPOSES:
- To prevent war.
- To help each side to understand the other and themselves more deeply.
- To educate and explain to all.
You’ll learn the facts with these TRUTHS in mind:
- Peace is a greatest good.
- Peace begins in the human heart.
- Peace is rooted in truth and justice.
- The true obstacles to peace are pride, power, greed, envy, fear, and division.
- We are not each other’s worst enemy.
You can trust what you learn because we’re committed to certain PRINCIPLES:
- To be an accurate, fair, authentic voice.
- To reject exaggeration and sensationalizing.
- To call out inaccuracy and false narrative with facts.
- To be non-political, non-partisan.
At China Peace Initiative we know you want to make your own decisions about the world’s biggest issues based on unbiased facts. In order to do that, you need information from an unbiased source. The problem is that mainstream news and talking heads make their money from sensationalized headlines, which makes you feel like learning the truth is impossible. We believe that peace starts with truth and truth starts with understanding others’ perspectives. We understand how hard it is to build bridges with so much conflicting information. That’s why we offer quick, easy to read, informative articles, seminars, and newsletters. All you have to do is sign up for our mailing list so that you can stay in the loop, receive the latest news, and sign up for upcoming seminars. So, join our mailing list now, so you can stop wrestling with half-truths and start learning the truth about China and the West.
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